非洲国际通信展 AfricaCom隆重推出“科技舞台”为非洲4.0奠下蓝图
2017年8月,伦敦—为庆祝20周年,全非洲最具影响力的科技,传媒和通讯(TMT)盛事——非洲国际通信展 AfricaCom,隆重推出崭新的 “科技舞台”。此展馆位于南非开普敦国际会议展览中心CTICC,是最近扩展并即将开幕,主题定为创新科技,和非洲第四个工业革命的心路历程。
London,August 2017——To celebrate its 20th anniversary, AfricaCom, the continent’s largest and most influential technology, media and telecoms (TMT) event is launching a brand-new technology arena. Located in the recently expanded and soon to be opened, CTICC wing, this entire exhibition hall will be dedicated to tech innovation and Africa’s journey towards the fourth industrial revolution.
此繁华忙碌的展馆里,将于2017年11月7至9日,举行“创新舞台”,展示未来科技发展趋势,独特远见,热烈讨论,议题包括物联网 (IoT),智慧城市,大数据,金融科技,区块链 (Blockchain),电子健康,人工智能等等。此外,可穿戴技术、无人驾驶飞机、一系列虚拟现实设备、游戏和应用程序等,所有精彩节目让您目不暇给。
Incorporated into this bustling zone between 7th and 9th November 2017, will be an Innovation Stage featuring visionary insights on future tech trends that also includes energetic discussions on the Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Cities, Big Data, Fintech, Blockchain, E-Health and Artificial Intelligence. Add in wearable tech, drones, a host of augmented and virtual reality gadgets, games and applications, all housed in one comprehensive really smart space.
This buzzing hive of activity, will be home to more than 100 technology focused exhibitors as well as the centrepiece of the arena, AfricaCom 20/20. This is a brand-new show floor feature dedicated to accelerating Africa’s digital transformation. As the centrepiece of the Technology Arena, AfricaCom 20/20 will host the Technology Arena Launch Party to kick off the 20th anniversary celebrations on Monday evening 6th November 2017, as well as acting as the base for all other 20th anniversary celebrations.
更让人鼓舞的,是微软公司 (Microsoft) 成为活动主要赞助商。我们热烈期待大会首20个创造商的崭新电子方案,以及围绕主题“未来科技发展趋势”的种种议程。引发思考,爆发创意。
Underpinning the importance of this event and this stream, Microsoft has signed on as a lead sponsor. Expect a vibrant showcase of new digital solutions presented by AfricaCom’s top 20 innovators, and thought-provoking conference content built around the theme ‘providing clarity of vision on future tech trends’.
南非微软公司云端发展主脑,Asif Valley,表示该公司参与盛会:“电子转型是有利非洲营商的重要成功因素。而微软致力帮助我们的客户,有效成功转型。我们的力量始于人民,宗旨也致力让每一人,每企业在这世界里发挥更多。有鉴于此,我们过去几年在非洲一直开拓和扩展云端创造。”
Asif Valley, Cloud Development Lead - Microsoft South Africa, commented on the company’s involvement in this year’s event saying: “Digital transformation is critically important to the success of businesses across Africa, and Microsoft is focused on helping our customers successfully achieve their digital business transformation. Powered by our people and our mission to empower every person and every organisation on the planet to achieve more, we have been driving cloud innovation and growth across Africa for a number years.
“We also recently announced a significant investment into data centres in the African region, which expands on our existing investments aimed at: unleashing innovation to solve some of the biggest problems facing humanity; building and developing small businesses; and alleviating unemployment and poverty on our continent”.
Also on display in the new TA will be especially created demo pods will also enable delegates (over 13 000 are expected this year), to interact with next generation technologies, to help shape their own thoughts and possibilities of what is to come and what might be.
在科技发展的讨论中,有些问题需有研讨:要加速非洲数码转型,我们要求什么技能? 怎样的基建,政策,合作形式能让非洲置身国际数码巨头? 20年后的非洲,数码转型将有什么规模?而它的演变怎样影响相关行业——制造,能源,农业,教育,政府,银行以及更多。
Underpinning the entire show and a narrative that will particularly dominate the technology arena, are the questions: What are the skills needed to accelerate Africa’s digital transformation – what infrastructure, policy, partnerships and collaborations are required to turn Africa into a global digital giant? What will the next 20 years of digital transformation in Africa look like and how will this transformation impact different vertical markets - manufacturing, utilities, agriculture, education, government, banking and beyond.
Some of the solutions will need to include novel uses of technology to solve socio-economic challenges in Africa, as well as Innovative business models to stay ahead of the game in an age of digital disruption and transformation as we march ever closer to digital inclusion.
以上革命性的研究,将在“科技舞台”展馆的“非洲枢纽 (AHUB)”举行。
Providing some of the answers to these questions and shining a light on potential solutions, is this year’s AHUB, also conveniently located in the TA.
“非洲枢纽 (AHUB)”云集ICT精英领袖与合作对象,共同绽放创业生态系统的小宇宙。而2017年,创业家对非洲数码的重要角色,更是大会亮点。创业家和投资者聚首一堂。 非洲枢纽创业学院 (AHUB Start-up Academy) 首次引进技巧班,包括金融科技,电子健康,农务科技,环保力量和ICT4D。 另一创业家好消息:大会将举行一连串的论坛,针对理解投资者的心态,以及怎样发展颠覆性的创造能力。
The AHUB will showcase talent and facilitate ICT partnerships, and is geared to once again unleash the power of the start-up ecosystem across Africa. New in 2017, is a programme that has been designed to highlight the critical role of entrepreneurship in fuelling the continent’s digital economy. This will feature briefings for both start-us and investors, as well as live pitch sessions. Also in the mix for the first time, is the AHUB Start-up Academy with skills workshops and sector snapshots covering FinTech, E-Health, AgriTech, clean energy and ICT4D. Critical for entrepreneurs, will be a series of panel discussions aimed at helping them understand investor mentalities and also how to develop a disruptive mindset.
“AfricaCom has always been the event to come to futureproof one’s business, getting the inside track on systems that will affect growth and development as well as the opportunity of meeting other like-minded and complementary businesses involved in the sector.
“大会一直演变,从纯通讯活动,到现在以科技为主导,所有努力促进非洲数码的精英聚首一堂,见证未来科技发展。我们深表骄傲。”项目组合经理 Tom Cuthell的一番话, 语重心长。
“It has evolved over the years from being a purely telecommunications based event, to one where technology commands the stage. As it underpins everything, it seemed only fitting that we create an exhibit in which, to centrally house some of the most exciting tech and ideas that will impact on Africa’s digital advancement,” commented Tom Cuthell, Portfolio Director at KNect365.
关于非洲国际通信展AfricaCom 2017
非洲国际通信展是全球通信系列 (ComWorldSeries)的重要活动,目的是透过考察,媒体和专业人士,分享在数码世界内最前卫的发展和商机。今年刚好20周年,地点在南非开普敦国际会议展览中心(CTICC)举行,时间是2017年11月7至9日。非洲国际通信展是全非洲最庞大的TMT (科技,媒体,电信)会议与展览。活动覆盖策略性的范围——服务,效率,盈利,顾客经验,合作伙伴,政策等,同时也宣传同期活动:LTE非洲,非洲联系电视和非洲应急通信。
AfricaCom is part of the Connecting Africa series of events that expose delegates, the media and the savvy, to the latest advancements and opportunities in technology and the digital ecosystem. Taking place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) from 7 - 9 November 2017, AfricaCom is now in its 20th year. AfricaCom is Africa’s largest technology, media and telecommunications conference & exhibition. The conference programme covers the most strategic issues affecting companies in Africa’s digital market - services, efficiency, profitability, customer experience, partnerships, policy and more – and features several co-located events: LTE, TVC & Mission Critical Africa.
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